June 3, 2019

Woman who’s struggling to get pregnant

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“Why is it so easy for other people to get pregnant, but not us?” If you have fertility problems, that thought has likely crossed your mind more than once. The truth is, it’s NOT always easy. Millions of couples seek help for fertility problems each year. The good news is there are many reasons to be hopeful.


What Is Infertility?

Infertility is often defined as not being able to conceive after 6 months to a year of regular, unprotected sex. It may be caused by fertility problems with one—or often both—partners. In some cases, the cause is unknown. There are many myths about infertility.

Facts About Fertility Problems


  • Infertility is a couples problem. Fertility problems are just as common in men as they are in women. It’s also common to find factors that decrease fertility in both partners.
  • Infertility is a medical condition. Fertility problems are not “in your head.” They are caused by problems in the reproductive system.


  • When to seek treatment depends on your age. Couples in which the woman is 35 or older should seek assistance if they’re unable to conceive after 6 months of well-timed, unprotected sex.
  • Getting pregnant is not always easy. Even under the best conditions, most couples have less than a 25% chance of conceiving each month. Chances are even lower for women older than 38.
  • Adopting a baby will not help you get pregnant. The pregnancy rate is the same whether you adopt a baby or not.


  • Fertility problems also happen to couples who’ve already had a child. Secondary infertility is a common problem for couples who’ve already conceived. It can be caused by a variety of factors.


Working on Other Factors that Affect Fertility

Certain lifestyle and health habits can affect fertility. Be sure to talk with your fertility specialist about these issues. You may be able to make some simple changes to improve your chances of conception. Keep in mind, though, that it can take time for healthy changes to improve your fertility.



Smoking, alcohol, and drugs     

Smoking can affect estrogen levels and decrease egg production in women. Men who smoke may have lowered sperm count. Excessive alcohol or drug use can also decrease fertility in both men and women.


Weight problems           

Being overweight or underweight can affect hormone levels. In women, this can impair ovulation. In men, obesity can decrease sperm count.


Medications, supplements, and herbal remedies            

Some medications, supplements, and herbal remedies can affect hormone levels in men and women. They can also affect the quantity and quality of sperm. Be sure to tell your IVF Doctor about any substances you take.


Testicular heat 

A man’s testicles are normally a few degrees cooler than the rest of his body. When the testicles are too warm, sperm production may decline. Try to avoid excess heat from things like hot tubs and saunas.


Chemical exposure        

Certain chemicals can affect hormone levels.  Talk with your infertility expert if you’re regularly exposed to strong chemicals. You should also ask about lubricants used during sex. Some types can be toxic to sperm.


Sexually transmitted diseases  

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as chlamydia can scar the reproductive organs in both men and women. If you’ve had an STD, be sure to tell your infertility expert.


Other factors   

Excessive exercise can decrease hormone production. It can also cause irregular menstruation in women. Ongoing stress is another factor that may affect fertility and cause ovulation problems.


Considering IVF? At Singla Mediclinic we understand how personal and daunting fertility treatments may seem, which is why we are pleased to offer a personalized best IVF Treatment in Mohali and Chandigarh.

Need help growing your family? Contact us today to begin the next stage of your life! call : +91-9815500448

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