IF IVF, Then PGS & NIPS? How Genetic Testing Can Say You About your Embryo?

Dr. Rimmi Singla has experience carrying out PGS, technique that detect genetic ailments and chromosomal abnormalities in embryos before they’re moved into the uterus. PGS technique is used to know whether the cells in an embryo comprise the normal number of chromosomes, which is 46. Subsequently an embryo raises in the lab, it is usually biopsied on day 5 (blastocyst stage). Some embryo cells are then sent to an exterior lab which uses technology to amount the number of chromosomes within each cell. Embryos with a standard amount of chromosomes are “euploid” and those with an abnormal number are “aneuploid.” The purpose of PGS is to avoid transferring an abnormal embryo into the uterus.

She also has experience performing NIPS (Non-invasive prenatal screening) are commonly performed tests for screening for Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), Trisomy 13 & Monosomy X (Turner syndrome). These examinations are offered to expecting women who want to find out if they may be at increased risk of having a baby with any of the above syndromes.


Who benefits maximum from PGS?


All couples are at risk for consuming abnormal embryos. This issue increases significantly as a woman gets older. An abnormal embryo almost always fails to implant, or if it does, ends in a biochemical pregnancy (only hormone evidence of pregnancy), miscarriage, fetal death later in pregnancy, stillbirth or a baby with abnormalities.


Couples experiencing IVF may select PGS because they have male factor infertility, recurrent IVF failures, older age or a very large number of embryos. PGS can be used by those experiencing multiple miscarriages who may have diverse types of translocations where a piece of one chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome resulting in a gain or loss of a cell’s genetic material. Use of PGS has grown rapidly because of support by many infertility specialist and patients who want to transfer a normal embryo.


For IVF recommend implanting more than one unscreened embryo. While this rises the success rate of IVF, it also raises your risk of carrying multiples. Your chance of actual IVF is the same when PGS screening identify one healthy embryo.


Talk to your fertility specialist about PGS & NIPS

The risk of having a baby with a chromosomal imbalance increases with the mother’s age, so Dr. Rimmi Singla may recommend PGS for older women. If you have recurrent miscarriages, you may also benefit from PGS. About half of all miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities, which can be identified with PGS.

When you’ve tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant and decide to undergo infertility treatment, there are many factors to consider. The same is true for pre-implantation genetic testing – it’s complicated. In this instance, your fertility specialist can help you discuss your options. Once your baby becomes a teenager, it’s also complicated – but then, you’ll be on your own!